Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Getting ready for the fair!

Tonight we went outside to see all the animals. My brother and sister are getting ready for the fair so we look pictures with the sheep and horse. I don't think Nathan knew what to think when he was on the horse. He looks a little scared, but really he was hungry. Isn't are little man so handsome. My little sister Joni who is 6 said that "Nathan is a chunk of cuteness." He is getting so big and we can't wait to see daddy only 5 days for mom and 9 for Nathan. We love and miss you daddy!


Meg said...

I have to say, I am a little (a lot) bummed that you aren't bringing Nathan. He is so darn cute! I understand, of course, but I would have loved to snuggle him while you pack.
Let me know the days that you will be here.

The Hurd Herd said...

He is such a cutie! It was so fun to see you guys and now I can check out your blog and see you everyday!

Malia said...

I love that pic of you holding him on the horse with the sky in the background... so artistic! I am sad to have missed him but it was good to see you folks briefly today to say alooooha! You will be missed!